- Total Questions: 107 multiple-choice questions on contract law.
- Content Focus: Revised Article 1 and Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code for merchants and goods sales, fundamental principles of contract law for other scenarios.
- Question Format: Four answer choices per question, with one correct answer.
Assessment Goal: Evaluate the application of legal principles and reasoning to hypothetical situations.
Hints and Learning Tools: Hints provided may guide or confirm legal reasoning processes.
- MBE Subject Matter Alignment: Half of the questions on contract formation, performance, breach, and discharge. One-fourth on the Uniform Commercial Code (Article 2 and Revised Article 1). Remaining questions cover defenses, parol evidence rule, remedies, and third-party rights.
- Educational Features: Extensive ‘explanation’ section for real-life case law analysis. This enhances understanding and concrete application of legal reasoning and facilitates relational learning for better memory recall.
For a comprehensive study experience, refer to the Contract Law Overview.