Traditional bar prep programs often include multiple-choice questions. It provides familiarity with the style of questioning of the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE), a collection of 200 multiple choice questions taken by all applicants during the bar examination. Most bar review programs provide simulated (made-up) questions and answers to give the user a repetitive mode of learning how to confront multiple-choice questions. BarPrepHero’s MBE study program goes further than most other programs. First, it uses official, real NCBE questions from the MBE sections of prior bar examinations. BPH’s legal experts then write a smaller portion of the MBE practice questions to cover the missing topics. Secondly, BarPrepHero includes its proprietary legal analysis for each question in the MBE series. This analysis tells the user, within a legal analysis framework, why the correct answer is correct and why the incorrect answers are the wrong choices.
BarPrepHero goes even a step further – it adds case citations to case law relevant to the issue in contention. It also takes precise quotations from the majority opinion and inserts them with the citation reference.
What are the benefits to the user having descriptive legal analysis, with case citations and court quotations related to the same issue in the practice exercise? The BarPrepHero’s “legal analysis” explanations contain extensive references to real case citations and relevant verbatim quotes from the majority opinion.
In sum, this learning technique lets the user decide which components to choose and enables the user to determine how far s/he wants to analyze the selected case.